The series ‘The Mandalorian’ premiered at Disney + and has not yet reached Spain has already given much to talk about.

Whether you’re a Star Wars fan or not, you’ll know or have seen images of Baby Yoda over the past few weeks. This little character has earned a place in everyone’s heart.

These are some of the products that will arrive in the spring of 2020:

  • Collectable figures ‘The Bounty Collection: The Child” 5,58 centimeters high:


  • Baby Yoda T-shirts for men and women:


  • Action figures 16.54 (left) and 3.04 centimetres (right) high


  • Pop! ‘El Niño’ figure, 9 centimeters high:


  • Talking cuddly toy 19.05 centimetres high with frog and bowl: